
  • Lifestyle Sports Travels

    Abenteuer am Achensee

    Wir waren letztes Wochenende in Tirol und wie ihr bereits wisst, ist das Weekend bei uns meist mit Sport verbunden. Schon alleine deswegen, weil wir einen Hund haben und viel im Freien unternehmen. ?…

    June 7, 2019
  • Lifestyle Travels

    Floridian Lifestyle

    ‘Life is better at the Beach.’ This quote definitely applies to the Tropical Living in Florida. Wherever you look, you see palm trees, swampland or the ocean. Therefore all the houses either have colors of…

    August 24, 2018
  • Furry Friends Travels

    A Week in Rovinj

    We got one week off from work and didn’t book anything in advance, so we decided spontaneously to head to Rovinj (Croatia) by car.…

    June 6, 2018
  • Travels

    Trinidad & its surrounding

    Trinidad & its Surrounding This place is my favourite town in Cuba due to three main facts. It’s a hip small UNESCO World Heritage Town With loads of artistic, creative boutiques and trendy, delicious…

    September 7, 2017