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  • Sports

    Autumn Hike in Tyrol

    This weekend the weather was still gorgeous, so G, Keix and I decided on doing an AUTUMN HIKE through the ‘Tiefenbachklamm’, which is a huge gorge in Kramsach, Tyrol. The location Kramsach is only…

    September 24, 2018
  • Lifestyle Sports

    Stand-up Paddling in Salzburg

    SUP – Stand-up Paddling is the current most hip form of all sports. Have you already tried it? At first I thought, OMG – what’s that all about?! Only something for elderly people. But when…

    September 1, 2018
  • Beauty Sports

    New Year’s Resolution

    Getting closer to the end of one year, makes you think about how fast time passes and to review things of the past year more closely. This is good, cause over the holiday season…

    January 2, 2018