Furry Friends

Catching the first Snow Flakes!

December 17, 2017

After getting out of bed in the morning, I opened the curtains… and my eyes gazed out of the window. Immediately I called Greg and Keix. We all couldn’t believe it – EVERYTHING was covered with wonderful fresh white SNOW! ❄️

So we jumped into our clothes and took a long walk with many stops for play time in between. We played hide and seek, built a snow man and even rolled ourselves down the hills nearby in the fresh snow. It was so much fun and we felt like kids!

Why we especially love this time of the year? Cause Keix was born in Fall. To be exact, in September. So when she was 2 1/2 months old, she first saw snow and you can’t imagine how she loved it. Although she was so small and one could not spot her in the tall snow piles, she managed to jump her way through. Since then, which is now quite a while ago, we spent all winters having so much fun with our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

There is so much you can do with your dog outdoors! We started taking Keiki with us on Ski Tours (when she was really little – we have a backpack for her), especially fun is Sledging (for all three of us!) and Playing Fun Games on the fields covered with snow or just taking a romantic stroll through the woods with our beloved ones.

So don’t waste your time! Life is way too short. GO OUT & ENJOY THE WINTER TIME WITH YOUR DOGS.

We promise you, it’s something to remember …



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