Autumn in the Austrian Countryside means wearing Dirndls and Lederhosn to any upcoming event during harvest season (September & October). ? ⛰ ?
Although I’m from Salzburg originally, I lived quite a long time during my high school years, during my studies and for work afterwards in Vienna. And there it is not at all common to wear such a traditional clothing nor to have a “Dirndl” at home.
So when I arrived in Vienna, all my friends there thought I’d be “Heidi from the Alps” (in case you know this former TV series for kids) … but I didn’t even own a dirndl yet. I then always borrowed my mom’s in case it was really needed.
When I returned to the western part of Austria years ago due to my boyfriend’s origin from Tyrol, we got ourselves a “Dirndl and Lederhosn” one day for a ball night just for fun.
Although we don’t wear it often – when we do, it’s great fun to dress up for an event and go out with friends, who are all wearing the same traditional clothing. That’s the great thing about having traditions, which you can stick to.
But traditions also make you get associated with a certain group of people, who all have the same mindset. This can be good on the one hand but maybe restrictive on the other hand.
So due to all the various places we’ve travelled and lived, I learned to be open-minded on customs and traditions. I guess my motto can be described as: “Know your origin, but define your own values for life.”
Customs all over the world are so inspiring and so much can be learned from each of the values. But it definitely doesn’t mean that only one custom is right and all others are wrong.
Along these lines: “Go out there and enjoy your autumn festivities, however you prefer!”
Österreichische Herbstfeste werden am Land meist in wunderschöner Tracht gefeiert. Ich hatte bis vor Kurzem noch gar kein Dirndl. Deshalb hab ich mir als ich nach meiner Zeit in Wien nach Innsbruck übersiedelte, eines für einen Ball zum Spaß gekauft.
Sich mit Freunden in der gleichen Art & Weise für bestimmte Festlichkeiten zu kleiden, hat was ? – es macht auf jeden Fall großen Spaß & solche Events bleiben einem für immer in Erinnerung.
Also genießt den “Bauernherbst” in vollen Zügen!
Und falls ihr kein Dirndl habt, auch kein Problem – einfach mitfeiern.
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