
The best Greek Salad, I’ve ever had!

September 17, 2017

Do you want to live beyond the age of 100 and be healthy, during the process of aging?

Well, Greek people seem to do something right, cause on a small and isolated Greek Island in the Aegean Sea, called Ikaria, there are more healthy people over 90 than any other place on the planet (Business Insider article). Have you also known that only 20% of how long we live is dictated by genes; the rest is lifestyle!

A huge and very important point is nutrition! And from what I can tell, Greek people definitely also have found the perfect work-life balance as well.

Regarding food, I’d like to share with you the easy recipe of ‘THE BEST GREEK SALAD’, I have ever had.


All you need …

  • Tomatoes
  • Black Olives
  • Cucumber
  • Green Pepper
  • Red Onion
  • Feta
  • Oregano Flakes

Use the cucumber and onions without the rind and cut all ingredients (except the oregano flakes of course 😀 and the olives) into well edible pieces. When done, mix all well on a plate and add if possible your own grown oregano or thyme herbs plus white vinegar and extra virgin olive oil (best from a peasant in Italy or Greece).

And very important: do not use white onions instead of red onions. It makes a huge difference! 😉


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